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Life doesn’t have to be so hard. You get to enjoy love effortlessly.

We're a unique publishing company that's vision is to encourage writers to build up the Kingdom of God through literature. We provide writing and publishing services for entrepreneurs, professionals, and aspiring writers.

Open Book

My Vision

My vision is for everyone to have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

You don't need to struggle like this! God wants you healed and set free. You're His dearly Beloved.

— Jivel Tousand

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Love Ministry

God wants His children to do everything with Him. That means everything! Regardless of what we're called to do, we must operate out of LOVE. 

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© 2019 by ​Jivel Tousand.  Proudly created with God


The Author will present the dress at a book signing in the Austin Texas area or where the recipient resides. Travel fees may be required.


The applicant story and picture will be posted on social media which will provide encouragement and support in her new journey. The person that receives the gifts will be featured on Jivel Tousand’s social media sites.

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